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Christmas and Winter can be an incredibly difficult time of year for many of us parents. Darker, wet days. Present-shopping stress. And social media exposure, comparison and guilt seem to be at an all-time high at this time of year.


Trust me, I know from experience and I want to help. I have developed this eBook with the full intention of making this time of year easier for you. Less stress, more simplicity.


I have been working with families and children for many years, and one thing I know for sure is the more pressure we put on ourselves to try to do everything "right", the more stress we add to ourselves and our families.


What if I told you that reconnecting with your family is all about taking things away, not adding more to an already overspilling plate?


This bumper ebook will give you more than 12 simple, practical, realistic ways for you to connect with yourself, your child and your family this Winter.


What's included?


A 37-page eBook that you can print off and keep.

Over 12 amazing ideas, recipes, crafts, and activities from my family to yours.

Bonus ideas for several activities to give you plenty of options

My guide to connection this Winter, and how it can be easier than you think!


You can download this to your phone, print it out, use it as an advent calendar or simply dip in and out as you wish for inspiration - the choice is yours!


You don't need to overdo it this year. Don't burn yourself out. And don't ruin the festive season for yourself by trying to make it incredible for everyone else. This simple, clear guide will help make sure you all enjoy this beautiful time of year together.


As it's Christmas and in the Twinkle Kids tradition, 10% of all sales of this eBook will be donated directly to Childline.


Once you purchase your product, you will see the link on the checkout page. You will also receive a link to your email inbox which contains your eBook! This link is valid for 30 days. If you need access after 30 days, please let me know and i will resend the link.

12 Ideas To Connect This Winter

€8.00 Regular Price
€6.00Sale Price
  • File Type: PDF

    File Size: 48.3MB

    This product is copyright of Twinkle Kids. By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to not share this product with anyone else other than your own personal use. Any replication or reselling of this product is prohibited. Thank you!

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